Do you have any of the following?

• Swollen Feet, Face or Eyes • Shortness of Breath • Blood in the Urine, Burning or Decreased Output • Nausea or Vomiting • Decreased Appetite • High Blood Pressure • Urinary Tract Infection
Protein in Urine/ Nephrotic Syndrome Glomerulonephritis SLE Nephritis Acute Kidney Injury Chronic Kidney Disease Haemodialysis Kidney Transplant

You should consult our Nephrologists if you are Diabetic, Hypertensive, have a family history of kidney disease or are more than 60 years of age.

Location: Consultant Clinic, First Floor

Our Consultants:

Dr. Aasim Ahmad        Dr. Murtaza F. Dhrolia            Dr. Kiran Nasir             Dr. Ruqaya Rizwan