Recent medical surveys show that one in four Pakistanis suffer from some form of kidney disease and any patient requiring
maintenance dialysis will be dependent on a machine for the rest of his or her life!
More than seventy percent of patients that seek treatment at TKC are poor and cannot afford the cost of treatment. Therefore, with
generous support of our donors, we provide comprehensive renal care either free-of-cost or at largely subsidized rates to “mustaheq”
patients who cannot afford the cost of treatment. In the last year alone (July 2023 – June 2024), TKC’s Welfare Department spent over Rs. 669 million on the treatment of over 100,000 patients. All Zakat/charity funds are utilized to support patients who are unable
to afford their medical treatment.
Moreover, the very nature of kidney failure in which a vital organ of the human body, which works 24 hours cleansing our blood of all
toxins, begins to fail and requires a machine to do the work instead, has serious implications. This realization has not only a physical
but a deep psychological impact on the patient. That is when the support of a hospital, in terms of services and professional expertise,
becomes a key factor in the well-being of a patient.
Your Donations and Zakat will save lives of deserving patients.

 Amount (PKR)
Dialysis Sessions (per month) (13 sessions)Rs. 68,250/-
Dialysis Sessions (per year) (156 sessions)Rs. 819,000/-
Erythropoietin Injections (per month)Rs. 7,200/-
Erythropoietin Injections (per year)Rs. 86,400/-
Diagnostic Procedures (per month)Rs. 6,000/-
Diagnostic Procedures (per year)Rs. 72,000/-

TKC Zakat disbursement is Shari’a compliant.

TKC Shariah Certificate