Dr. Izza Hussain is a graduate of Baqai Medical University. She is a Consultant Haematologist holding almost 9 years of post-fellowship experience. She got her post graduate training from “College of American Pathologist’ (CAP). She completed her residency in Haematology from the Aga Khan University Hospital. In 2013, she was rewarded FCPS in Hematology from the College of Physicians & Surgeons (CPSP), Pakistan. She is also a supervisor & examiner at CPSP.

After her post-graduation, she joined The Indus Hospital (TIH) in 2014 as Associate Consultant and later promoted to Consultant in a year.  She was the first full Haematologist hired by TIH and she developed the section of Lab Haematology and started new services i.e. reporting of peripheral film, Hb studies by HPLC, BM aspiration and trephine biopsy procedure followed by reporting, cytochemical staining, factor assay & sickling test. Subsequently, she remained involved in development of advanced haematology mainly flow cytometry, cytogenetics & FISH. She initiated clinical practice in hematology at the Indus hospital and was privileged to admit patients for treatment of various hematology disorders. She treated all sorts of benign & malignant haematology in patients & outpatients as well as patients referred from other specialties. She took a lead in starting “Oncology Access Plan” for Haemonc patients with availability of free oral chemo medicine for all registered patient at TIH. At the TIH she was also actively involved in Continuing Medical Education & the Hospital Transfusion Committee. She left Indus in 2019.

Her most recent experience was at “Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center” (JPMC) where she was involved primarily in lab haematology & inpatients consultation. She was also responsible for teaching & training of lab staff, trainees & technologists. She was also involved in teaching and taking exam of M-Phil students. At JPMC she was the point person for plasma trial for COVID patients as approved by DRAP.

She is currently associated with the “South City Hospital” as a visiting consultant where her scope of service is lab & clinical haematology. She was also associated with “Fatimid Foundation” for a period 2014-2015. She has setup a PCR lab at Fatimid and was part of the team responsible for development and setting up of COVID PCR lab at SCH & JPMC as well.

Dr. Izza has received lifetime achievement award by Hemophilia Welfare Society Karachi in 2018.

As part of professional development she did her Preceptorship on “Advances in ITP” at Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK and Observer ship in Adult Bone Marrow Transplant Services at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA.

Her articles have been published in National & International Journals. She has received an award for best Oral Scientific Paper Presentation in “Pakistan Society of Haematology Forum”. Departmental Seed Money Grant for Research proposal was also granted to the same at AKUH. She is a lifetime member of Pakistan Society of Haematology and Pakistan Biological Safety Association.

Dr. Izza joined The Kidney Centre Postgraduate Training Institute” in March 2022 as Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of Pathology and Consultant Haematologist. She wishes to take the quest further by starting a residency program in her field of expertise at The Kidney Centre PGTI.

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